Monday, November 17, 2008

When is Breaking the Law Justified?

The five purposes of the government is to keep criminals off the street, pay for road construction, free public schools, health care, and shelters. If the government wasn’t doing these things then I would have to join a revolution. Because criminals would be loose on the street murdering, robbing, and God knows what to people. Road construction would be a hazer and in poor condition, there for accidents would be happening. Our education would be poor and we wouldn’t be able to work for good paying jobs. A lot of people will be sick and homeless if it wasn’t for the government. So I’m glad that the government is doing these things for us, but if not, then I would join a revolution.

1 comment:

carrie said...

What about protect its citizens from foreign powers and regulate the economy?

Good specifics for why you would join a revolution, and I too am glad that the government is doing those things for us!
Some small errors that I can help you fix, but overall a good post. 17/20 points.